Choo Choo Wa
English Version! Cartoon of the popular kids song. Choo Choo Wa: On your marks, stretch your arms, make a fist, thumbs up, lift shoulders, head up high, bottum behind, pigeon-toed, stick out your tongue (Blèèèh). English version of the Spanish Chu Chu Uà!
On your marks
Stretch your arms
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…
On your marks
Stretch your arms
Make a fist
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…
On your marks
Stretch your arms
Make a fist
Thumbs up
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…
On your marks
Stretch your arms
Make a fist
Thumbs up
Lift your shoulders
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…
On your marks
Stretch your arms
Make a fist
Thumbs up
Lift your shoulders
Your head up high
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…
On your marks
Stretch your arms
Make a fist
Thumbs up
Lift your shoulders
Your head up high
Bottom behind
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…
On your marks
Stretch your arms
Make a fist
Thumbs up
Lift your shoulders
Your head up high
Bottum behind
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…
On your marks
Stretch your arms
Make a fist
Thumbs up
Lift your shoulders
Your head up high
Bottum behind
Now stick out your tongue (Blèèèh)
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…
Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa, Choo choo wa wa wa…

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