The Elephant
Cartoon of the kids song: The Elephant. Well you can tell me what you want but the elephant, he has the biggest bottom in the whole wide land…
Well, you can tell me what you want but the elephant
He has the biggest bottom in the whole wide land
And the giraffe has the longest ne-e-eck
And beware of a crocodile attack-tack-tack
The flamingo always stands on one leg
And a coconut is harder than a boiled egg
The hippopotamus has the biggest mouth
And the monkey can shout very loud-loud-loud
You can tell me what you want but the elephant
He has the biggest bottom in the whole wide land
And the giraffe has the longest ne-e-eck
And beware of a crocodile attack-tack-tack
The parrot tells you anything you want to hear
The peacock’s colored feathers always make you cheer
And the ant has the strongest ba-a-ack
The mosquito will bite you in your neck-neck-neck
You can tell me what you want but the elephant
He has the biggest bottom in the whole wide land
And the giraffe has the longest ne-e-eck
And beware of a crocodile attack-tack-tack

NON STOP Sinterklaas tekenfilms

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NON STOP Sinterklaas tekenfilms


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